Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Maturity...kinda crazy

Or at least that's what I think it is. I suddenly realize that as my manager gives me work, I do it. I don't wait around too long either. I just kinda get it done.

I think about this as its 12:20AM and I'm working on a deliverable for tomorrow. Now of course, I could have done this earlier and be asleep at this point. But the point is, he's going to have it tomorrow and he won't have to ask twice. And I've been really good about this. And it seems to come kind of naturally.

This is COMPLETELY different from summers and even full time stints at John Deere, Ford, and even Intel. I can contribute it to nothing other than the fact that I'm sorta kinda growing up. It's happening in some areas more than in others (as I'm sure a certain individual in my "past life" would agree) but its happening. And I realize that you can't really rush it. It just happens.