Friday, September 7, 2007

Work! wow

So the time has finally come. I got my job offer in November, at a point where I couldn't even see the end of the school year. Then even in May when I graduated, I had an entire summer before me. It's crazy how 4 months can fly by like that - although these have seriously been 4 of the best months of my life.

But right now its Friday night, and I just moved into my new apartment and absolutely love it! The view is spectacular (check out the pic), the area is wonderful, and the place just feels good. I could imagine life just cruising on happily...

But really I can't because I start at Deloitte on Monday. I have always hated work. I've really never been that into any job I have - so that's really messing with my mind right now. Moreover, I am nervous as hell. I know they hired me for a reason, they're not going to just feed me to the wolves, I'm perfectly competent yada yada....But I just don't know what to expect. I really really want to perform well and make a good impression. And I don't want to hate my life.

So this is bugging me real hard right now. I could lie and say writing about it has helped, but it hasn't. We'll just have to see on Monday *fingers crossed*

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